Towards the Republic. English Captions and Annotations. Episode 67

(1) Hungarian poet Sándor Petőfi wrote a poem on life, love, and liberty. The common English translation goes something like:

“Liberty and love
These two I must have.
For my love I’ll sacrifice
My life.
For liberty I’ll sacrifice
My love.”

This was translated (somewhat loosely) by Yin Fu into the standard Chinese version


“Life is indeed precious,

And love is priced yet higher

But were it for liberty’s sake

I’d sacrifice both the prior.”

This verse is so popular that I’d wager by sheer number more Chinese than Hungarians today know the poem, though many may not know its origin.

Here in the show Sun Wen quotes and then riffs on Yin Fu’s version, which is an anachronism since it cannot have emerged earlier than the 1920s.

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