
Hi I’m Vick, a traveler, software engineer, and history enthusiast.

Current residence: Zurich, Switzerland

Instagram: @vickyao612

11 thoughts on “About

  1. Sir, Thank you very much for all your hard work ! Very impressive !!! Some of the information you provide is very useful for an old lady who is very fond of Chinese history, but can no longer go out to the library to do research.
    Thank you again and best regards.

  2. Much thanks for all the translated shows. I know it is a lot to ask, though I am fine even waiting a decade, but would you ever consider translating the 2009 spy show, 潜伏?

  3. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you translating Towards the Republic. I have listened avidly to Ming Dynasty 1566 and all your work, annotations and all was most welcome. Tnamk you kindly for doing this.

  4. Just to let you know that my wife and I enjoy your translated shows very much. I used to have to do simultaneous translation for her before discovering your channel. After finishing Ming 1566, we are at Episode 34 of Towards the Republic. As we watch it on TV, we cannot give you ‘LIKES’ on YouTube to show our appreciation. Sorry. 🙂

  5. My God! You will have a special spot in heaven for your hard work!!! Finding adequate translations is so hard, I’ve been used to watching subar subtitles filled with mistakes or worse, YouTube’s automated translations. Your translations are impeccable, so precise, and use a wide vocabulary. I am so impressed with the level of detail! It’s hard to capture poetry or discussions about the imperial budget. On top of it, you provide interesting discussions and annotations. I’m a historian and I feel like what you produced is similar to a critical edition to an ancient work. Thanks a lot!

  6. Thank you so much for translating these two tv series! I plan to watch them asap and I’m already spreading them to my brazilian friends. It’s so hard to find those good chinese historical tv shows with english or portuguese subtitles… I’m still sad I can’t find the White Deer Plain (2017) and A Dream of Red Mansions (1987) translated.

    Anyway, thanks again for your amazing work!

  7. I just wanted to thank you for the tremendously hard work of translating these two shows—I’m learning a little Mandarin myself, and I know that it’s a fantastically difficult language to translate into English. I’m watching Towards the Republic now, and not only is your translation clear and precise, it does a wonderful job of capturing the subtexts and motivations that underlie so much of the character’s international. Thank you for bringing this show to a wider audience!

  8. I never post on any website but now I feel I must to. I’m very fond of Asian cultures and I have watched a lot of East Asian TV dramas. In my humble opinion Ming Dynasty 1566 is one of the best TV drama produced ever. We couldn’t have watched this great drama without your hard work that you put into English translation and your annotations.
    Thank you very much! I wish you all the best and good luck!

    Judit from Hungary

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